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This page has a list of helpful Nazarene websites, a list of acronyms, and some local organizations/causes that our local church supports.


Local Organizations/Causes:


Pregnancy Resources
Free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. Get all the facts on abortion and abortion alternatives. Make an informed choice about your pregnancy.


​Quad Cities Nazarene Churches


Davenport First Church of the Nazarene

1010 N. Clark St. | Davenport, IA 52804


Grace Community Church of the Nazarene

507 1st St.  | Colona, IL 61241


Moline Community Church of the Nazarene

4545 Ave. of the Cities | Moline, IL 61265


Rock Island First Church of the Nazarene
2921 38th St. | Rock Island, IL 61201


Nazarene Web Links and Acronyms

Alabaster Offering

​ Reducing financial strain and empowering the minister to model and teach Biblical stewardship. 


Creative Access Area (CAA) Code Language: father=God, Thinking of you=Praying for you, and House group=church.


The Discipleship Place (CLT) website is designed to equip laypeople for ministry in their family, local church, neighborhood, work place, and community with training resources.


Engage the Word is an exciting and easy way to deepen your connection to God and the Church of the Nazarene through daily reading of His Word. 


Funding the Mission is way to give online to the World Evangelism Fund.


Holiness Today is the denominational magazine for the Church of the Nazarene.

JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) is involved in: evangelism, discipleship, church development, leadership training, pastoral education.


Loving Interested Nazarenes Knowing and Sharing (LINKS)

​ – This video Bible study series challenges women to live with a Christ-centered perspective.

​ With your help, students are taught God’s word, receive three meals a day, and learn life skills.


Nazarene Camping Association (NCA) provides support and networking among camp, retreat, and conference centers within the Church of the Nazarene.


Nazarene Compassionate Ministries works to support local churches around the world in their efforts to actively live compassion as a lifestyle. 


Nazarene Essentials Documents, leader guides, artwork and resources, and feedback.


Nazarene Foundation allows anyone leave a legacy of generosity and be a blessing to God's kingdom for years into the future.


Nazarene Publishing House provides innovative biblical solutions for churches.


NazServe: Nazarene affiliates can post opportunities on NazServe.


NMI International Student Scholarship Fund (ISSF)


NMI Mission Priority One (MPO)


Northwestern Illinois District NMI exists to develop healthy local church mission groups that are actively involved in: Praying, Educating, Giving, Interacting.

​ Our mission is to reproduce churches who make Christlike disciples in the nations.

​ Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC) – Phoenix, AZ – Spread the word!

PrimeTime Ministries Church of the Nazarene is responding to the large and growing group of mature adults within the churches and communities we serve. 


Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) carries out the Great Commission to children, youth, and adults in preparation for a lifetime of Christian holiness. 

​ Tell THE Story is a discipling method that helps individuals present the Bible in a way that is simple to receive, remember, and retell.


Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library is a free, multidisciplinary, open access, digital resource of books, literature, multimedia material, and archives collected into a single institutional repository initiated by the global Church of the Nazarene.


Women’s Ministries is a God-centered focus, challenging each woman to holy living and continual growth in Christ.


Work and Witness is a self-funded movement has given Nazarene missions a huge boost into the 21st century.


World Mission Broadcast Available in 34 Languages, 72 Countries, and 140 Programs.

Board of Ministry


Creative Access Area


District Advisory Board


Dynamic Church Planting International


International Student Scholarship Fund



JESUS Film Harvest Partners



L.E.V.E.L. stands for Laymen Engaged in Various Evangelistic Labors. The offering is typically collected in months where a 5th Sunday occurs, but funds can be designated for L.E.V.E.L. any time.


The monies raised are divided between an overseas mission project and a home mission project on NWIL.


Loving Interested Nazarenes Knowing and Sharing



Mission Priority One



Mission Strategy Team



Nazarene Camping Association



Nazarene Compassionate Ministries



Nazarene Missions International


Nazarene Publishing House


Northwestern Illinois District



Nazarene Youth Convention



Nazarene Youth International



Pastors on Purpose


Rock Island First Church of the Nazarene


Sunday School Discipleship Ministries International


World Mission Broadcast

​Quad Cities Christian Music
Broadcasts Contemporary Christian music programming to affiliate radio stations across the U.S. Christian Music/Event promotions.


Air1 - Positive Hits - 97.5 FM

K-LOVE - Positive & Encouraging - 98.9 FM

New Anthem

Mobile App

Bible App


Amazon Smile
If you shop on Amazon, a small portion of your purchase can go to Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.

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